Selasa, 25 Maret 2008

Bacteria Are GROWING on Your Tooth Brush!

A clean mouth is very important because germs that cause disease enter your bloodstream through tears in your gums. ( 39 ) USA Today reported that your toothbrush may be “the most serious threat to your everyday health”. A study used an electron microscope to view the bacteria on toothbrushes. Those rinsed with sterile tap water saw bacterial growth, but those dipped in 0.12% chore glaucoma; or 1% sodium hypochlorite (bleach) had no growth. ( 40 ) Obviously, STEP 1 in getting rid of cavities should be to kill the gunk on your toothbrush. Chlorhexidine may only be available a dentist's prescription. I was prescribed some, but did not find it necessary to heal my cavities. The Purebrush Antibacterial Toothbrush Sanitizer uses ultraviolet light to kill bacteria as well as viruses and yeasts. ( 41, 42 ) It is currently on sale without a prescription for $69.95 after tax. It ships in 3-5 business days. I used this device for several months before going to the University of California, San Francisco Dental School for S. mutans tests, but still had the bacteria. ( Possible reasons detailed below.) A more expensive toothbrush steamer at ( 43 ) claims to kill germs, but the test results they sent me show germ killing happens at steaming times longer than the system they sell actually uses. It may just be cheaper to boil your toothbrush in salt water every few days! Bring water to a full rolling boil for at least 1 minute to kill most infectious organisms. Also, you should buy a new tooth brush at least once a month.

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